We have learned "class" in Britain for several weeks, so I will give you some information about that. There are 4 classes roughly, and they are Upper Class, Middle Class, Working Class, and Under Class. Middle Class is classified into 3 classes, and they are Upper Middle Class, Middle Class, and Lower Middle Class. Also, Working Class is classified into Skilled Class and Unskilled Class. I will write what are there jobs, and what are differences among those classes.
Upper Class
As you know, Upper Class is the best in all Classes. People in Upper Class are politicians, members of the nobility, royal family, and the president of big company, etc. They are very wealthy, and have strong power. They have had one third of the nation’s wealth, because they have controlled really large businesses. They are in the same network, so they take the same education, and are probably very friendly. Of course, they have good speaking like beautiful accents and formal. Besides, they like the sport called “Polo” which people ride horses, and throw a ball to some targets. If you want to become Upper Class, it is important for you to be born very rich family. If you were born this class, you would not have the anxiety of money. The 1% of people is Upper Class.
Middle class
Upper Middle Class people have worked as lawyers, doctors, and dentists. They can get good jobs and income. They are consisting of white-collar people. 15% of people in Britain are Upper Middle Class. Lower Middle Class people have jobs like office workers. Some people in Lower Middle Class graduated from their university, and others did not do that. About 30% of people belong to this Class. In addition, Middle Class people have worked as teachers and so on. In Middle Class, males can get the promotion. However, females cannot get that. Some of them have their own small company, and they are the President. The population of whole Middle Class is increasing and growing now.
Working Class
Upper Working Class called skilled class people have worked as electricians. Their working conditions and private lifestyle are same as non-manual workers. Also, there is Lower Working Class called unskilled class in Britain. Most of them are cleaners and helpers for Upper Working Class. Besides, they have distinctive things like political imagery and status situation. Middle Class people are increasing, while Working Class people are decreasing now. However, political divisions like gender, ethnicity, and region are increasing. About 30% of people are in Working Class.
Under Class
I do not know in detail, but the social position of this class is less than Lower Working Class. Therefore, people in Under Class have no house and job. They are in the poorest situation.
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