I reseached scools, for example, Harrow, Roedean, and so on by using official web page of those schools and Wikipedia. According to Wikipedia about Cheltenham School, that school was damaged by World War the second. I was interested in that article and that school. Therefore, I will introduce some information about that school and history to you in datail.
The college was located in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, and established in 1842, July. This college is the oldest one of all the major public school in Victorian times. The college is famous for classical, military, and sporting traditions. There are about 600 students who are 13 to 18 years old at there, but I could not find how many boys or girls. It cost about 28,000 pounds (about 5,000,000 yen in Japanese) per year.This college has great histories of sports; especially rugby and polo are very famous. In 1887, Rugby Football Union adopted “Cheltenham Rules”. I am sorry that I could not find information about these rules. The college won the championships of Rugby and Polo many times. That is why Rugby Football Union adopted the rules. Needless to say, there are many clubs at Cheltenham College. According to the website of that college, there are about 25 clubs. Students take part in their clubs from Monday to Wednesday.
675 Old Cheltonians which mean former students in this college were killed by World War I, and 363 students were also killed by World WarⅡ, because they joined their army. Therefore this college was damaged by those wars. Now, all people in this college respect all of victims. People recorded former students’ names which were killed by WWI and WWⅡ in the college chapel and dining hall.
Most of students go to The Russell Group universities, and a few students can go to Oxbridge university from this college.